Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hunters in the Snow Questions

3.Which is the most sympathetic of the three characters? The story deals, in part, with the power struggle among the characters. Which character is the most powerful? Do the balance of power and alliances between the characters shift as the story proceeds?
I’d have to say Frank becomes very sympathetic at the end when he realizes how tough he and Kenny have been on Tub. He apologizes and feels bad about treating Tub the way he did and changes his attitude towards him. I believe at the end Tub becomes the most powerful because he shows it and in a way takes charge. Yes, because when Tub and Frank are in the tavern they find out stuff about each other that they didn’t know and that brings their relationship closer. In the beginning Frank and Kenney are like taking sides and leaving Tub out but that changes at the end.

7. What is the purpose of the scene in which Frank and Tub stop at the tavern for food and coffee, leaving the wounded Kenny in the back of the truck? During there conversation, Frank analyzes his own character and expresses remorse. Are his insights and remorse genuine? Why or why not?
They stop at the tavern because they’re freezing cold and need to warm up in order to keep driving. I strongly believe that his remorse is genuine because he shares it only with one person and that is Tub. Usually you don’t tell just anyone your personal problems unless you’re really close and have a good amount of trust.

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