Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the Chimney Sweeper

Characterize the boy who speaks in this poem. How do his and the poet's attitudes toward his lot in life differ? How, especially, are the meanings of the poet and the speaker different in lines 3, 7-8, and 24?

The boy in this poem is kind of the kid that just wants things to be over with. Because he is very optimistic and always looking for the bright side in things. For example, when Tom was getting all his hair shaved off Tom did not like it and the speaker just said that without his hair the soot from the chimney would not spoil his white hair. The poet sees the story as a horrible thing because it is not right for little kids to be sold and they have to lead terrible lives of cleaning chimneys out. It just sucks. The speaker in the poem just goes with the flow of things. He tries to always stay positive and he knows that his and his friend's lives are crap but they just have to deal with it.

Monday, April 28, 2008


The speaker of this poem is some guy that heard of a visage that are in the desert. He hears about this visage through some traveler from an antique land. The situation in this poem is that the traveler told the speaker of some visage in the desert and the statue is of some, "great" king that lived a long time ago. The pedestal says, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" So he's basically saying that he is so great and so amazing and that he will be remembered forever and just to give up hope. The irony about that though is that his great kingdom crashes and now all there is is a statue of him and he has nothing.

Barbie Doll

1. "dolls that did pee-pee..." this is an example of an apostrophe.
2. "wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy..." this is an example of a metaphor.
3. "in the magic of puberty..." this is an example of metonymy.
4. "Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs." this is an example of metonymy.
5. "her good nature wore out..." this is an example of personification.
6. "like a fan belt." this is an example of a simile.
7. "doesn't she look pretty?" this is an example of irony.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The speaker in this poem is a very lazy man! He is not willing to work for what he wants and he just wants thing to be handed to him. He says that he does not need to work and that if he just uses his wits than he can make it in the world and support himself. He looks at people and sees them living in leisure and wants to yell at them, "stuff your pension!" The easy life is what he wants but its not going to happen. This is the toad that is keeping him from getting the fame and the girl. He has to work for what he wants and can't be lazy.

The Victims

Explain exactly who the victims are in this poem and how you know.

The victims in the poem are the children and they witness all of these horrible things that are happening to their father. The sad things though, is that they are enjoying it and are amused with the pain that their father is going through. The mother taught the kids to hate their father and that's just not right. I can understand some what of a dislike for their father but nothing as drastic as hating him. All these unfortunate events that happen to their father are being enjoyed by the kids and they are the true victims because it is as if their hearts have turned black with a hate for their poor old man.

"Out, Out-"

The speaker of the poem is an onlooker of the accident from the start until the end. In the poem a little boy probably around the age of twelve is cutting wood with a saw and the blade comes flying out and cuts his arm off. This takes place in the past when saws were extremely unsafe and when little kids worked. Tone of the poem is kind of dreary and sad because this young kid loses his life because his arm get cuts off and he bleeds to death. The theme of the poem is that life is very unpredictable and that you never know what could happen. Just like in the poem I'm positive the boy never thought he'd die that day while he was working with the saw. The author achieves the overall affect of the poem because of way the poem never has pauses or breaks so it just flows and is sort of fast. Just like life you can't slow down, you can only do what you have to.

Woman Work

Most of the chores in the first 14 lines are associated popularly with "woman['s] work," but two are not. What do these exceptions reveal about the situation of the speaker?

These exceptions reveal that the speaker is doing what she has to do in order to live. She's got to do what she's got to do and I'm guessing that she is a slave because she has so much work to do and also she has to pick cotton. Most likely she is treated harshly and she just wants to leave the life she has right now and she reveals this when she says, "storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind let me float across the sky 'til i can rest again." She wants to rest and at least rest every now and than but the sad truth is that she can't.

Those Winter Sundays

From what point in time does the speaker view the subject matter of the poem? What has happened to him in the interval?

The speaker views this subject matter as looking back in the past. He is remembering his father and how much he was underappreciated, and he says this because his dad did so much for the speaker and the rest of his family and nobody thanked him. His father would work so hard that his hands cracked and ached and the speaker always thought that his father wasn't to fond of him because his father never told him that he loved him. Although he never told him that he loved his he showed him he loved him by doing things for him such as polishing his shoes and little things like that.

Hazel Tells LaVerne

Discuss the poem's use of irony.

It is ironic because there is this lady that finds a frog in the toilet and the frog talks. You don't expect the frog to talk because frogs can't talk but in this poem it does. Also, the frog tells the girl that if she kisses the him than she will turn into a princess. What I thought was ironic was that this slave does not kiss the frog and if she did her life would be so much better because she would have become a princess! Instead she just thinks the frog is a pervert and those him back into the toilet and flushes it three times until he is completely gone.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To His Coy Mistress

Outline the speaker's argument in three sentences that begin with the words If, But, and Therefore. Is the argument valid?

If you love me than you would listening to me and love me back. But your not listening to me and your not giving me all that I want from you. Therefore we can't be together because I've wanted you so long that now it's just getting old.

I don't think that the argument is valid because he just wants to have some fantasy with her and it's really not true love in that case. He says your getting old and now all my lust for you is gone. He never really loved her; just wanted to have a fantasy with her.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dream Deferred

Of the six images, five are similes. Which is a metaphor? Comment on its position and its effectiveness.

The last line is the metaphor and all of the other lines that explain what happens to a dream are similes. Using the metaphor at the end was very effective because it makes you wonder whether dreams that are deferred are just lost and gone forever. Its great because its right at the end and it is not a simile, so it is very effective saying that dreams explode. Which means that the dreams are gone and dessinagrated into tiny pieces and are never coming back.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

good times

How are this family’s good times different from the good times your family has? Explain.

The difference is that these people are barely getting by. For example in the poem it tells of how the rent is paid and the lights got turned back on. That means that the lights to their house were shut off and they finally get their bills paid and they are happy. They are loving it because it is paid and they made it once again. Another difference is that all the people come to there house and are drinking and get drunk. They are all drunk and happy. It isn't common that everyone in the family gets drunk and they are all happy.

Richard Cory

What are the reasons for why Richard Cory does what he does at the end?

Because even though he has all that money he is still lonely and sad. Money can not buy happiness. On the outside he is this great, handsome, gentleman to people and they love him! They wish they were him! The sad truth though is that he is dying on the inside and he is slowly getting eaten away at. Because of all these emotional problems he kills himself.

We Real Cool

English teachers in a certain urban school were once criticized for having their students read this poem: it was said to be immoral. What essential poetic device did the critics misunderstand?

The reason that the poem was banned in some schools because of the word jazz! People thought that the word made a sexual reference. She did not intend for the word to be translated in that manner. She used to word jazz to mean cool and layed back. Because of this small misunderstanding people thought this was an immoral word.

Monday, April 7, 2008


What different denotations does the title have? What connotations are linked to each of them?

A cross has many denotations but the one's mainly used could be the cross as in what Jesus died on and a mix of two things. This poem really related to the title because the speaker is half black and half white which is a cross of nationalities. Also his parents are dead and it seems like he regrets it because he says he wants to take back the horrible things that he said to his parents. His parents are dead and usually over a grave there is a cross which also relates to the title.

Pathedy of Manners

At what point in the poem does the speaker shift from language that represents the way the woman might have talked about herself to language that reveals how the speaker judges her? Point out examples of both kinds of language.

This shift occurs in the fifth stanza where he tells the reader just how miserable she is. The first four stanzas she's this amazing girl that all the guys want and she is wealthy and smart. She rejected many men and, "impoverished marquis," which meant she made noblemen poor. Than in the fifth stanza she loses everything. Her kid is dead along with her husband and she basically has nothing to do anymore. She doesn't have any friends and she's lonely and just seems to be going in circles so she is not getting anywhere.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


2. In what ways is the mirror like and unlike a person (stanza 1)? In what ways is it like a lake (stanza 2)?

The mirror is unlike a human because it describes itself as silver and exact. Also it says that it has no feelings which a person has and an example of this is when it says, " I am not cruel, only truthful." In the second stanza the mirror says it is a lake and it demonstrates this by saying just little things like, "a women bends over me..." Also it says things like, "reflect it faithfully," and,
"in me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish." By saying these thing such as putting words in it such as drowned, fish, and reflect, tell qualities of a lake.

Monday, March 31, 2008

When In Rome Question 1

Who are the two speakers? What is the situation? Why are the second speaker's words enclosed in parentheses?

The two speakers are a couple or possibly married. The situation is that the guy is away in Rome and I believe he is going to be there for a while because in the poem he says, "Hope i lives till I get home I'm tired of eatin' what they eats in Rome. . ." I think the second speaker's words are enclosed in parentheses because its just showing his thoughts.

Dulce et Decorum Est Question 2

List the elements of the poem that seem not beautiful and therefore "unpoetic." Are there any elements of beauty in the poem?

I think the only elements in this poem that were not beautiful were the description of how the poor man died. The descriptive words of the way the man died painted a picture in my mind of the way the soldier struggled to live. In the end nothing could save him from the incurable gas that killed him in a tragic way. The sad thing is that no one could help him without putting themselves in horrible danger. To me, dying in anyway, and to whomever it may happen, is the opposite of beauty. I believe the beauty of this poem relates to the saying, "Things are not always what they seem." I say this because going to war is an extremely dangerous matter and seeing all those dead people wouldn't have you feeling glory or full of zest.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mrs. Linde is the perfect character foil for Nora, offering a model for her to follow as well as actions for Nora to avoid.

Mrs. Nora, the main character in,"A Doll House", and Mrs. Linde, a side character, are almost exact opposites of each other. They both had rich husbands until Mr. Linde died on Mrs. Linde, than Mrs. Linde became desperate and needed a job. So she came into town looking for Krogstad and found Nora first and told her that she came looking for a job. Than when Mrs. Linde meets Nora she realizes how immature and childish she is and she even tells Nora that she acts like a child. Nora is loaded and really doesn't need to worry about anything and seem to blissfully float through life. While Mrs. Linde on the other hand has to work hard for what she wants.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Doll House pgs.261-the end

This was by far the most dramatic part of the story! It was very interesting when Torvald found out about Nora and what she did in the past to save his life. First he completely flips out and says the most horrible things to Nora. But Nora, on the other hand, didn't seem to care what we said to her and was calm and I thought it was strange how composed she was. It seemed as if Nora grew up in a way because she didn't play around or anything. She just came straight out and told Torvald the truth. Then Torvald got the second letter from Krogstad and he gets all mushy-gushy again! I thought it was hilarious and sad at the same time because she realizes she doesn't love him and decides to leave everyone behind in the end.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Doll House pgs.254-261

In this section of the story Torvald finds out that he and Mrs. Linde still have feelings for each other. Which i find extremely amusing because this play has so many twists and turns that you never know what to expect next! They are talking downstairs while Nora and Torvald are upstairs at a dance. They talk about how Krogstad should just take the letter back and that type of stuff. So in the end Krogstad decides to take it back but never has time to because Nora and Torvald come back. Then Mrs. Linde tells Nora to tell her husband about what she did in the past but she's to stubborn to admit it. In the end it was interesting to read and more secrets were revealed!:D

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Doll House pgs.245-254

In this section of A Doll House Dr. Rank tells Nora that he loves her and Nora feels uncomfortable about the whole thing. Also, Mr. Krogstad wrote a letter revealing the bad thing that Nora did in her past so that Mr. Torvald will live. Mr. Krogstad is about to give the letter to Mr. Torvald and at the same time Nora is begging him not to and wants him to tear it up. In my opinion this play has many many liars and it seems that that all of the truth is about to be revealed. Pretty much everyone in this story has a secret from the past about each other.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Response to "Trifles"

I thought Triffles was a very interesting play that could qualify as a peice of literature. I thought this because like literature it made me think of the significance of this play. This story caught my attention automatically because there was some suspense and some guy died. I loved the irony that the story contained. The way the ladies just wanted the men to find the evidence fast and get out off there. The irony though, was that the ladies ended up finding all the evidence and figuring out the murder mystery. What stuck out a lot to me was the way the ladies had their little arguments about what they should do and the way the men acted. Than in the end they realize how bad Mrs. Wright had it and they stick up for her. To me this must have taken a great deal of courage because very few people ever stand up to the law. A great story with a fantastic plot and I enjoyed it.